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How to teach Digraphs in Kindergarten?
How to teach Digraphs?
Worksheets for writing the diagraphs and words for each diagraphs. (check my Diagraphs Worksheets Set) or the new set of worksheets. introduce them one at a time using the H brother anchor chartJack Hartmann has some good videos.Chant a lot “what’s ...
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10 songs for kids to learn letter sounds
10 Songs for kids to learn the Alphabet and Sounds of Letters
During Kindergarten or the years after, some children take more time when they get to learn the sounds of the letters and here teachers must find any efficient way to support faster assimilation of the letters' sounds. Songs are a great method to use...
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Duties and Responsibilities of Teacher Assistant or Co-Teacher
As a homeroom teacher, we might have to get support from a teaching assistant, who is a very valuable help or, at least, this is supposed to happen. There are cases when the assistant does not know what her/his duties. I have created this document...
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Activities to keep bush a fast finisher in Kindergarten
Ideas of activities that early finishers can do in Kindergarten
Every class has that one little student who is a step ahead others in finishing his work...and then what? Well, these students need to keep directed to other activities to keep them busy so they wont disrupt the others.Here are some ides for activiti...
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