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Sight Words Flash Cards for Kindergarten/Gr1 Biscuit Shape | Journeys Curriculum

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Flash Cards for Sight Words following Journeys Curriculum for KG/GR1

66 words:
  1. I
  2. the
  3. like
  4. and
  5. see
  6. we
  7. a
  8. to
  9. come
  10. me
  11. with
  12. my
  13. you
  14. are
  15. what
  16. is
  17. now
  18. how
  19. will
  20. this
  21. find
  22. be
  23. go
  24. for
  25. make
  26. play
  27. said
  28. good
  29. she
  30. all
  31. he
  32. no
  33. do
  34. down
  35. have
  36. help
  37. look
  38. out
  39. off
  40. take
  41. can
  42. little
  43. was
  44. of
  45. said
  46. they
  47. want
  48. small
  49. yes
  50. too
  51. here
  52. has
  53. after
  54. again
  55. fly
  56. give
  57. from
  58. because
  59. could
  60. every
  61. does
  62. an
  63. any
  64. ask
  65. by
  66. as
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